The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an Information Security Standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from major card schemes. PCI DSS is a standard that all organizations and online retailers must follow while storing, processing, and transmitting their customer’s credit card data. PCI DSS compliance is one of the most stringent and most coveted security standards in the industry today. With 6 goals, 12 requirements, and over 300 sub-requirements, PCI compliance helps businesses to reduce and minimize the risk of their payment systems getting breached and theft of cardholder data.
PCI DSS Certification in Argentina is one of the many services offered by TopCertifier, the global consulting and certification solutions provider. PCI DSS Compliance can be used by any organization that accepts, stores, processes, and transmits cardholder data. We deliver PCI DSS certification services to all major locations in Argentina, including Buenos-Aires,Cordoba,Rosario,La-Plata etc.
PCI DSS promotes the use of credit cards with a promise of secure card transactions. It improves the brand image and trustworthiness of merchants and service providers. It also protects merchants’ profits from unauthorized use and credit card fraud.