Food Safety System Certification

The FSSC 22000 standard was developed by the Foundation for Food Safety Systems Certification (FSSC) as a response to the need of the International food sector to have an independent ISO-based food safety scheme for third-party auditing and certification for their Food Safety Management System. FSSC 22000 is a food safety certification scheme that has been developed to certify food safety systems of organizations that process or manufacture animal products, perishable plant products, products with a long shelf life, and other food ingredients such as additives, vitamins, and organic crops and materials for food packaging. FSSC 22000 is designed to promote International harmonization and transparency in food safety standards.

FSSC 22000 enables manufacturers to focus their food safety efforts on scientific and technical advances and their audit resources on improvement rather than compliance. It provides confidence to other stakeholders that your organization has the ability to identify and control food safety hazards. Therefore, it ensures compliance with legislation, regulators, and customers.

TopCertifier offers FSSC 22000 Certification Consulting Services in Argentina across all major locations like Buenos-Aires, Cordoba, Rosario, La-Plata etc. Our services for FSSC 22000 Certification include Gap Analysis, Documentation, Training, Process improvement solutions, Organize Internal audits, and External audits. TopCertifier is recognized as one of the best FSSC 22000 Certification Consultants in Argentina. We understand the local business culture/ necessities in Argentina and focus on practices that could increase your bottom line rather than just sticking to standard guidelines and support organizations to achieve certification simpler, faster, and affordably.

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